Survive Outdoors LongerAA Scout


SKU: Item146937 Category:

Discover the unmatched quality of Adventure Medical Kits’s Survive Outdoors LongerAA Scout. Priorities in a survival situation: escape the elements, stay warm, and signal rescuers so you’re easy to find. The Scout has you covered on all fronts: a heat-reflective 2-person survival blanket provides warmth and shelter from wind, rain, and snow, while the one-hand operable Fire LiteAazA striker and waterproof tinder produce multiple campfires. A 100dB Slim Rescue HowlerAazA rescue whistle and Rescue FlashAazA signal mirror with retro-reflective aiming aid make it easy for you to signal your position to rescuers, and a compass, duct-tape and fishing/sewing kit round out the package. A professional-grade RF-welded waterproof bag keeps contents dry in any conditions.


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