QuikClot Advanced Clotting Sponge 25g.


SKU: Item146926 Category:

by Adventure Medical Kits: Introducing QuikClot Advanced Clotting Sponge 25g. by Adventure Medical Kits: Experience the best with Adventure Medical Kits’s QuikClot Advanced Clotting Sponge 25g.. QuikClotAA is a chemically inert material that speeds coagulation of blood, resulting in a stable clot that stops bleeding. The QuikClotAA Zeolite beads are contained in a sterile, non-adherent mesh bag so that it can be easily applied by anyone and also easily and cleanly removed from the wound by professional medical providers. QuikClotAA is safe to use and is a low heat formula that will not burn the skin. Leave QuikClotAA in place until more advanced medical help arrives. Each package contains one 3.5 x 3.5 (25g) bag of QuikClotAA.


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