Truly extend the life of your wine.Whether you are a connoisseur, an enthusiast or a casual admirer of wine, one truth remains: the delicate taste of wine change upon exposure to oxygen. That means wine is best enjoyed within a few hours of being opened. If not properly preserved, wine can go bad in as little as 2 to 8 hours.Don’t minimize oxygen exposure. Eliminate it.PlatyPreserve is the best way to protect the taste of an opened bottle of wine by completely eliminating the presence of oxygen. While alternative methods might have you pump air out of the bottle or inject gas into the bottle- PlatyPreserve has you transfer your un-finished wine into an air tight reservoir to truly protect the taste of your wine so it may be enjoyed several days or even weeks later.Collapsible containers offer an easy, light-weight alternative to pack and enjoy wine wherever you go.Select materials ensure superior leak protect and provide zero taste transfer to your wine.Go ahead, open a bottle or two.With PlatyPreserve, you can open a bottle of wine, if only to enjoy one glass. Or open several different bottles – such as a red and a white – with the flexibility to enjoy them at your leisure.How PlatyPreserve works.Pour wine into PlatyPreservePlace cap loosely on PlatyPreserveRemove all air by squeezing PlatyPreserveTight cap to seal out air in PlatyPrerserveSince PlatyPreserve is a flexible container, the air can be removed from the wine by simply squeezing the container to expel ALL of the air. This can not be done with a rigid glass container.How to clean a PlatyPreserve.Rinse PlatyPreserve thoroughly with warm water (no soap)Turn PlatyPreserve upside down to dryRepeat after each useWine storage tips.The three environmental factors that damage wine are: oxygen, temperature, and ultraviolet light. The PlatyPreserve solves the first factor by isolating your wine from oxygen. You can deal with the other two factors by storing the PlatyPreserve in a cool dark place. Ideally the storage temperature should be held constant at 50 to 52 degrees F. Higher temperatures and bright sun or fluorescent lights can damage wine no matter what the container.

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