Vasque’s Men’s Breeze 2.0 GTX sets the bar for quality and innovation. The shoe that changed hiking gets a change of its own. The original Breeze boot, sparked a sea change in hiking footwear. For the first time, running shoe technology was utilized to supercharge a true hiking boot. Light, cool, and athletically-inclined, the Breeze filled a void between the era’ midweight bombers and the brown-painted wannabes. It quickly became one of the most popular hiking boots in the United States.But even classic hits can be remastered. Reconfigured to be lighter, tougher, and more breathable than the original, the Breeze 2.0 is perfectly tuned for the realities of today’ hiking trends. Lighter loads and a faster pace rule the trail. Breeze set that pace almost a decade ago. The Breeze 2.0 picks it up considerably.

Men’s Breeze 2.0 GTX
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